Learn how to utilize some of the most valuable tech skills on the market today, Scala and Spark! In this course we will show you how to use Scala and Spark to analyze Big Data.
Scala and Spark are two of the most in demand skills right now, and with this course you can learn them quickly and easily! This course comes packed with content:
This course comes with full projects for you including topics such as analyzing financial data or using machine learning to classify Ecommerce customer behavior! We teach the latest methodologies of Spark 2.0 so you can learn how to use SparkSQL, Spark DataFrames, and Spark’s MLlib!
After completing this course you will feel comfortable putting Scala and Spark on your resume!
Thanks and I will see you inside the course!
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Courses : 21
Specification: Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning
10 reviews for Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning
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Vinod Subramanian –
Mixing Indexing, OneHotEncoding, train test split and Pipeline is not a good idea. You should have shown these without Pipeline first and then introduce the concept of Pipeline.
Varun Khanna –
Great course !!! I recommend it !!!
Lucero Yanez –
Very well explained course, I really learned a lot.
Pooja Kamble –
the course isn’t updated. Installation itself is getting hectic due to the same.
Kgaugelo –
yes so far so good, concepts explained very well
Alejandro Martinez –
conceptos claros
Bessy Basil –
Easy to follow , interesting as well!
Lisa Jackson –
Yes so far this is a good course for me. The basics are being laid out in an understandable manner and interactive exercises are removing the apprehensions I had to using the spark shell.
Thierry Banel –
Good! Missing a small intro on ML
Dawid Galarowicz –
Very easy to follow and focuses on useful commands