Recent years have seen a dramatic growth of natural language text data, including web pages, news articles, scientific literature, emails, enterprise documents, and social media such as blog articles, forum posts, product reviews, and tweets. Text data are unique in that they are usually generated directly by humans rather than a computer system or sensors, and are thus especially valuable for discovering knowledge about people’s opinions and preferences, in addition to many other kinds of knowledge that we encode in text. This course will cover search engine technologies, which play an important role in any data mining applications involving text data for two reasons. First, while the raw data may be large for any particular problem, it is often a relatively small subset of the data that are relevant, and a search engine is an essential tool for quickly discovering a small subset of relevant text data in a large text collection. Second, search engines are needed to help analysts interpret any patterns discovered in the data by allowing them to examine the relevant original text data to make sense of any discovered pattern. You will learn the basic concepts, principles, and the major techniques in text retrieval, which is the underlying …
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Courses : 2
Specification: Text Retrieval and Search Engines
51 reviews for Text Retrieval and Search Engines
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Miriyala S –
Hafidz J L –
This advance course just perfect for me who know little bit about advance statistic and linear algebra.
Dawn A –
Arguably the best resource for learning about key concepts of text retrieval online.
Scott C –
The quiz contains questions of topics missing in the lecture of the same lesson. The presentation of the information has a lot of room for improvement. Hope the course continues to improve.
Codrin K –
Excellent course. The only request I would have is to make honors programming assignment technology independent (I would have wanted to do it in R) and to add feedback on incorrect answers in quizzes so you can learn more easily from your istakes.
Elio X R C –
I expected more exercises
Paul N –
I got the sense that this course needs to be updated. Some of the quizzes covered work that had not been treated up to that point and the programming assignment did not work with the most recent version of the MeTA toolkit. For a course of this stature I would have expected a lot more attention to such detail. It would also appear as though the owners of the course material are not present on the forums with students left to their own devices.This course as well as the Text Mining one does not compare well with the Machine Learning course from Stanford offered on Coursera when considering the above issues.Some work is required I believe
Felix K –
The presentation of the lectures is done quite poorly:There is a constant humming of the presenters computer on most of the videos. The examples given are all very specific and concepts are not explained themselves in detail.The quizzes are not very well adjusted to the presentations in that sometimes tiny details of mentioned information are asked and on the other hand non straight forward transfers from the lectures are expected.Also in one of the quizzes topics from the next week are asked and the problem has not been fixed since 5 months even though there are heavy complains in the forums.
Aigerim –
perfect course
Karl S –
Although I was very enthusiastic at the beginning of this course, my enthusiasm was soon replaced by disappointment. There were several reasons for my disappointment: First, it is very difficult to understand Prof. ChengXiang Zhai. This is aggravated by the fact that the subtitles of his videos have not been edited and many of these subtitles do not really make any sense. Furthermore, some of the quizzes check on material that is only covered in the week after the quiz. Second, and more importantly, I was disappointed by the explanations offered by Prof. Zhai. Often, he just drops some technical terms without giving any explanation whatsoever. An example in point is his covering of the Kullback Leibler divergence. He just dropped the name but did not offer any definition or explanation. Unfortunately, there were many more topics that were only covered in such a name dropping way. In the end, I bought myself the book by Stefan Buttcher and the book by Christopher Manning. These are excellent books that were also recommended by Prof. Zhai. For anybody interested in information retrieval I would actually recommend to go directly to these books instead of taking this course.
Ian W –
Good class, knowledge learned. Below are some problems I personally encountered. * there are almost no explanations of the quiz/exam answers and some questions in quizzes did not match the course progress. However, before the final quiz, there is a small quiz in advance, you can do small quizzes for unlimited times and it resembles the final quizzes. Maybe the author designed this on purpose for the users to learn by trial and error? Another way is finish courses of the next week, and then come back to finish the quiz of the previous week. * some concepts require previous knowledge, otherwise you’ll have to Google during the class. * It might take some time to get used to the speaker’s accent for non English speakers. * suggest that the instructor could use a touch screen or stylus to illustrate on screen. * The honor missions are out dated and requires a lot of de bugging.
Sergei A –
Usefull course with lack of support.
Gustavo L A –
Great at theory and concept explanation… but just few examples and zero programming applications.
Yongyi Z –
I’d appreciate Prof.Zhai’s lesson design with robust framework. BUT I really can not accept that the mistake that homework putted in wrong week and STILL NOT FIXED AFTER TWO YEARS!
KM R –
Need indetail inputs on algorithm usage and correct MeTA assignments with working scripts. That makes learning a complete curve.
Rex O O –
The most terrible specialization anyone would ever waste his or her time on! Sometimes i fell asleep lol Time wasted.
Phillip J V –
The quiz content is out of sync with the lecture content and has not been fixed after what appears to be 2 years of comments in the course error message board and weekly discussion boards.
Amrit S D –
very very good
Lee C L –
Some mistakes in subtitle. and it is better to break down the long videos into smaller sections, illustrate the concepts with more graphs,picture and animation.
Luong A T –
It is a great course, highly recommended for those who wants to work in the AI
Bilguun B –
One of the best courses I have taken on Coursera. Really liked how the quizzes were structured!
Peter B –
Lectures are fine for those who does not want to read a book and want to get a quick overview. Quizzes are very un useful and buggy. There are questions presented that are not covered in the section. Programming assignments are optional because instructor did not want to adapt them for Coursera format so that they can be completed using tools of choice.
Atsushi T –
Some quizes were from different weeks. Forum questions are often left unsolved.
Devender B –
Literally this is a dead course. No one is active from course to assist students. You can’t complete assignment 1 if you are not good with c++ and STL ‘PERIOD’. Giving up this course
liz a –
very hard to understand teacher
Lena H –
help for building a whole picture about the field
Ashish G –
Sir is Amazing. Reviews saying this course lacks practicals are true. Fact is, you will be able to implement them on your own, as sir explained concepts pretty well. This is by far one of the best courses on coursera, comparable to Mr. Ng’s course on ML and DL
Chen Q –
Some courses lack lecture notes. There are some mistake in the week exercise (some question regarding topic in wk5 appears in wk4). So the overall feeling for the course is not well considering it is a part of the school’s graduate program
Ramakrishnan C –
Good one
Vadim P –
The course does not give much of practical knowledge, mostly theoretical. For example, presented material does not teach you what is required to build a good search engine. Even theoretical part is mostly based on old view, which is proven to be not working. For some topics the exam was given before the topic was presented in lectures.
To P H –
Interesting content However the prof/instructor should practice not pausing so much when explaining the concepts/contents
shaoming.xu –
very good course! teach not only knowledge but also how to do research!
Vinobastalin . T –
Vivien A –
The course conveys a lot of well structured content. The theoretical concepts are taught well by the videos, although some videos are a little bit too long. Unfortunately, I was not able to do the practical assignments due to technical problems with the installation of the required development environment. I missed experiencing in practice what I have learnt in theory.
Ruben D S P –
amazing classes
Avraham L –
enlightening and interesting
vibhor n –
Heavily focused on formulas. I prefer courses which focus on basic concepts more.
Zaid O –
it’s theoretical rather than practical
zhuoqi j –
Very clear, make me have a basic understanding of data mining and data retrieval. Thanks very much.
Pouya E –
This course goes through the basics of text retrieval systems with an appropriate speed. However, the contents are quite out dated for 2019.
Vijayashri B –
Course designed really simple and useful
Alexander S –
In Week 1 and 4 questions to pass the assignment are coming from one week later…. So the material provided every week to pass does not fit the assignment questions. Should be improved.
Asif M –
Overall, a very good introductory course. It is doorway to explore TR systems further and this course gives you a good understanding of lay of the Information Retrieval land. Couple of tests during the entire course need you to read ahead the next week’s course and even though the issue has been reported more than 2 years ago, as of this writing, they have not been fixed
Aayush G –
Course was well taught the instructor’s explanation of the topics was very comprehensive. Overall satisfied with the experience
Michael O –
This course has some good content, but it seems like it was abandoned. It was made a couple of years ago and I didn’t perceive updates. Only has 2 programming assignments and they are optional and they use C++ and a very awkward framework. There are many problems while doing these assignments (lack of information) and there were no support at all. The discussion forums are almost inexistent.
Good course to learn machine learning approaches
Harsh –
Amazing course
Ginvile R –
This is an interesting course that dives into the fundamentals (and thus mathematical functions and similar) of text retrieval. This is highly technical and essential if you need to develop your own system, though could be too deep if you just need to understand the basic idea behind.
Ritik P –
Xiaolong Z –
The assignment have all sort of issues.
Ayush S –
This is course provide me a detailed overview of the search engine and some new concepts that I am not aware of . I think now I understand text retrieval techniques