Upgrade yourself with ES6 !!
Want to take you JavaScript knowledge to meet today’s standards ? so this is the course for you.
Right here you will learn ES6 from the ground up.
Right know in the web development industry, there is a growing demand for modern web framework such as REACT, Angular or VUE. So mastering ES6 syntax will put you in a place were you can create amazing web apps and meet today’s standards.
This new version of JavaScript comes with a lot of new features and a bunch of updates for the old ways. We will cover every new piece of syntax ES6 provides to us as well as the updates that made this language great, but now makes it better.
Starting from the foundation of JS Array helpers such as foreach , map , reduce , for..in , then we will learn the new ways to interact with our code with Object literals , template strings , default arguments , classes and we will end learning the hard stuff of ES6 like Generators and modules .
Which topics will we cover ?
Instructor Details

Courses : 13
Specification: The complete Javascript ES6 course.
11 reviews for The complete Javascript ES6 course.
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Price | $11.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 6 hours |
Year | 2019 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$19.99 $11.99
Hanan Nayberg –
pro: this is exactly the material I wanted to learn. pro: subjects are broken clearly suggestion: clean up the small code mistakes along the way. Also some typing errors and examples/exercises that are not fully completed (although they show the meat of the material)
Guilherme de Almeida dos Santos –
Uk { Very good Course, fastly and directly, very good he has a good explication, He undertand so much of the ES6, I recommend } and BR {Muito bom o curso, rapido e direto, muito bom, ele tem um boa explica o, e ele entende muito de ES6 , Eu recomendo}
Mauricio Samy Silva –
O curso superou em muito minhas expectativas e isso se deve a primorosa did tica do professor, que al m de conhecer muito bem o assunto, se expressa de maneira clara (ingl s f cil de entender para n o nativos), concisa e direta. A din mica das aulas fant stica e nota se claramente que professor nasceu com o dom de ensinar ou adquiriu com uma longa experi ncia pr tica de c tedra. Dif cil encontrar online um professor assim. Parab ns
Jacob Killpack –
I like the way the instructor reviews the concepts. They’re clearly laid out, and he puts personality into his videos that make them more entertaining. I’d recommend watching them on x1.75 or x2 though.
Anonymized User –
Great teacher thanks
Hamza Islam –
Short and simple explanations with examples. Very easy to follow. This course is not about learning JavaScript from scratch. It’s about learning the new version (ES6) of JavaScript and how it is different from the old ones.
Yaan Dalzell –
Good overall.
Tyler Wasden –
I originally gave it 4 1/2 stars but half way through the course stopped having exercises so I lowered it to 4 stars. There should be exercises throughout to help retain the material and break up the learning process, it makes no sense to do it for half the course and then stop. That being said the instructor has a nice demeanor and is easy to follow. He explains things clearly and I felt like I got a lot of value out of the course.
Wolfgang Bertl –
it was very good course. the basics of ES6 were very good explained.
Pedro Enrique Matos Nu ez –
I actually learned a lot more about Javascript in this course than I ever have with other courses due to the simple but practical examples.
Benedek Racz –
For me (with 5 years of coding in other languages) a bit slow, but good.