Information Security is everywhere: as the world becomes more and more digitized, so it becomes more and more hackable. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and even cyber warfare are all very real – so it is infinitely important to understand how hackers think and act, and how you can fight back. In this course, which is the first part of the Unlocking Information Security program, you will learn the basic terminology and concepts in the field of information security. You will explore different types of vulnerabilities through famous examples of design flaws, implementation bugs and social engineering. You will then move on to discover the art of cryptography, from ancient times to the modern era, and learn about famous ciphers, how they can be cracked, and what can be done to thwart such attacks. Next, you will learn about an important aspect of cryptography that involves no secrets at all: hash functions. You will understand what they are, how they can be used, and how they can be attacked. You will then combine everything you’ve learned and take a critical view of different authentication schemes: passwords, challenge–response systems and biometrics. Finally, you will learn about the most critical vulnerability of all times – …
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Courses : 2
Specification: Unlocking Information Security: Part `
18 reviews for Unlocking Information Security: Part `
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Anonymous –
Excellent course! Fun, engaging and enlightening. I have not seen such a level of visual explanation in any MOOC before. The verbal explanations are also very precise and interesting
Anonymous –
The moment the thought of cyber security came to my mind it was Israel that occupied my mind.Consequently I decided to take this course by TAU at EdX.The lucid explanation and effective teaching style of both the educators are worth mentioning.I was deeply impressed by the manner of teaching.Hope the journey continues.
Anonymous –
So far, this course has been very good! The teachers are great, and they teach applicable lessons in creative ways, exploring the field of information security.
Anonymous –
This course is amazing! First of all the content is great, clear and profound, making complicated issues accessible and understandable. Furthermore, the lecturers are great, they are real experts and yet they seem approachable. The effort and thought that were put into this course really make it stand out, the explanations, the animations, I took many online courses before and none of them was as good as this one.
Gilad K –
I enjoy this course very much. I find it very interesting, well designed, relevant, clear and thorough. Suitable for novices and advanced students alike, though it does assume you’re equipped with some knowledge in the computer world. The subjects the course discusses are the central topics to get oriented in this field. It comes from the world renowned Tel Aviv University. I would recommend this to anyone looking to get acquainted or strengthen her/his acquaintance with information security, encryption, cyber security building blocks, central concepts and significant trends.
Anonymous –
Information delivery and content in this course is very strong. Working through the exercises provides vastly enhanced insight, possibly doubling course learning. For those of us primarily involved with software product delivery, this information is well suited to connect all the threats and mitigation in the story line, from low level computing, through infrastructure, and finally global exposure on the web (part II). As an ancillary note, I felt like I learned a lot of information in this course that enhanced my general computing knowledge for tasks outside security.
Anonymous –
I found this course enlightening. I think it is very important to know basic information security. The part about passwords, for example, is relevant for everyone. I didn’t complete the coding exercises but still felt I learned all the important material. I especially liked the supplementary materials there are some amazing things in there!
Anonymous –
Very useful and simple to understand course. It gives the basic information about security techniques in general. It was highly interesting as well. Thanks for creators for excellent lessons!
Anonymous –
Thank you for the course, it makes me aware of the different security risks in using the computes. As a user, I have more information on how to maintain my passwords, be wary of public WI FI and how to secure my files.
The course is well presented. The videos are short enough not to cause information overload. The speakers are very clear and engaging.
I don’t know Python so I was not able to programming exercises, but as a user, the course is very useful.
Anonymous –
Very clear explanation of the concepts giving the necessary background to go into depth in the second part.
A real eye opener for everyone new in this field to ensure they get the key concepts in order to be able to understand how security has to be approached with the correct mindset
Anonymous –
The course develops through the theory and practice of cryptography in an appealing methodology with great graphical explanations. Concise and clear undestanding of the material of this course will be the reason it scores high. Recommended!
Anonymous –
Very high quality class. Help to understand complex problems in a very clear way. Videos are short, very clear and straight to the point. Relevant real world examples are provided for each security concept or attack. The supplementary material at the end of each chapter is very helpful to dig further.
Anonymous –
Dear Staff,
I learned a lot of techniques from this course. Now that I am pursuing the Cyber Security Master’s degree, I notice that I have a huge lead on knowledge. It’s a pity that I was unable to take the final exam because I registered shortly before archiving, but I can pursue this course and Part II later on.
Todah rabbah!
Anonymous –
bit trick and don’t like the course at all, too mathematical and theoretical, i prefer to do another hands on than learn how the light was invented. In the world of constant evolution and changes we cannot lose many time learning theoretical content, we need to exercise more the concepts by osmosis. I not recommend this course for persons trying to find skills in computer security as this is very theoretical and tedious for some IT persons. It’s more a scientific level of how the things were invented.
Anonymous –
I loved the clear explanations just enough detail mixed with real world examples. Very engaging! Appreciated the python “hackxercises” which helped be internalize the concepts and practice coding. The visuals augmented the material nicely to explain confusing cryptographic chains. I also liked the list of references for further study. I highly recommend the class for those interested in cyber security. Covered the primary concepts of cryptography, hashing and authentication.
Anonymous –
Great presentation. Clear lectures. Loved the graphical elements used to illustrate the coursework. I would love to see more courses from these guys.
Anonymous –
Among all the online courses I have attended this course covered a lot of material in a sufficiently clear and visual way, which led to a better understanding of the issues a defender deals with every day. Further more it taught how to be cautious when choosing passwords and tips on remembering them. I personally find it useful for everyone in the Computer Science field.
Anonymous –
Very complete, interesting and well done course.
I will suggest will everyone interested in cyber security.
I really appreciate the cryptographic section. It simple explain hard concepts.