Information Security is everywhere: as the world becomes more and more digitized, so it becomes more and more hackable. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and even cyber warfare are all very real – so it’s infinitely important to understand how hackers think and act, and how you can fight back. In this course, which is the second part of the Unlocking Information Security program, you will turn your attention to the Internet: you’ll start by learning about the inherent vulnerabilities lurking in the multiple layers of the Internet’s protocol stack and then meet the first line of internet defenses. Next, you’ll take an in–depth look at the modern cryptographic concepts that are at the core of internet security and discover the mathematical miracle that makes them possible. With all this in mind, you will take a deep survey of the world wide web; understand the various technologies behind websites, how web servers and web browsers interact, how they can be attacked, and how they should be defended. Finally, you will learn about viruses, worms and trojans: what they are, how they spread, hide and attack, and the arms–race between them and the anti–virus industry. This course was produced at Tel Aviv University by …
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Courses : 2
Specification: Unlocking Information Security: Part “
6 reviews for Unlocking Information Security: Part “
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Anonymous –
The course is a fast paced comprehensive coverage of the field of cryptography. It has helped me to understand various concepts involved and has started me on the way to learning Python. I have taken this course under Audit Track and would have taken it via the verified track in case the fee was lower say around 30 to 40 USD. The combination of experience(bald head like mine) and the youthful energy of the instructors is a great combination. Alas the final touch about the endless chapters of this game between attackers and defenders somehow reminds me of the great game played between Russian and British Empires around Pamirs.
Anonymous –
Very useful and simple to understand course. It gives the information about security techniques, networks and viruses, cryptography etc. It was highly interesting as well. Thanks for excellent lessons!
Anonymous –
Thank you for the course. The course gives a simple explanation of the malwares affecting the computers and different risks involved in using the internet. As a user, I now more aware the on how to protect my computer and information.
Anonymous –
Great bit(e) size overview of the more in depth concepts you need to know in order to understand cyber security. Real structured overview of these concepts together with some practical implementation and a real good set of samples to make the point and explain what it (can) mean(s) in practice.
If there is a next third course on this topic, I’m definitely in!
Anonymous –
Very high quality class. Help to understand complex problems in a very clear way. Videos are short, very clear and straight to the point. Relevant real world examples are provided for each security concept or attack. The supplementary material at the end of each chapter is very helpful to dig further.
Anonymous –
bit trick and don’t like the course at all, too mathematical and theoretical, i prefer to do another hands on than learn how the light was invented. In the world of constant evolution and changes we cannot lose many time learning theoretical content, we need to exercise more the concepts by osmosis. I not recommend this course for persons trying to find skills in computer security as this is very theoretical and tedious for some IT persons. It’s more a scientific level of how the things were invented.