In this article you can find online Hacking courses to enhance your knowledge.
Hacking refers to activities that seek to compromise digital devices, such as computers, smartphones, tablets, and even entire networks. And while hacking might not always be for malicious purposes, nowadays most references to hacking, and hackers, characterize it/them as unlawful activity by cybercriminals—motivated by financial gain, protest, information gathering (spying), and even just for the “fun” of the challenge.
Many think that “hacker” refers to some self-taught whiz kid or rogue programmer skilled at modifying computer hardware or software so it can be used in ways outside the original developers’ intent. But this is a narrow view that doesn’t begin to encompass the wide range of reasons why someone turns to hacking.
With our following 10 online Hacking courses, you’ll be able to expand your knowledge.

Wi-Fi Hacking and Wireless Penetration Testing Course
Muharrem AYDIN via Udemy
In this course, you will learn how to crack the key and get the password to WiFi networks whether they use WEP, WPA, or even WPA2. While you are learning ethically hack you will also learn how to secure networks from hackers. This course is for all levels. We will take you from beginner to advance level. You will learn step–by–step with hands–on demonstrations.
Whether you want to get your first job in IT security, become a white hat hacker, or prepare to check the security of your own home network, Oak Academy offers practical and accessible ethical hacking courses to help keep your networks safe from cybercriminals.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Digital Security Awareness Training for Business & Home User
Stone River eLearning via Udemy
This course is a very useful course for those individuals who are involved more–and–more in the technology–driven internet–of–things applications and devices. The one aspect that needs to be taken care of while using the digital applications and gadgets is the data security. The course addresses this aspect to cover all the necessary details that enable the business professionals and individuals to protect their sensitive information from unauthorized access and hacking.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Hacking with Swift 2 – Beginner to Pro – Build 20 Apps
Stephen DeStefano via Udemy
This course aims to show you that building IOS Apps with swift is fun and relatively easy. Learn how to create 20 apps using apples new language Swift. Each app will be a bit more complex, but we build it together, so there’s no guesswork as to the process and what the code is doing. A lot of work goes into my courses to make the code as easy to understand as possible..i use callout graphics, highlighting, and deep explanations to help guide you along the path of the code, each step of the way. This course assumes you have no programming experience, so its perfect for the beginner. Its also a nice fit for the intermediate and experienced coder as the course covers advanced techniques as well…like creating autolayout constraints in code using VFL.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Learn Python & Ethical Hacking From Scratch
Zaid Sabih via Udemy
The course is divided into a number of sections, each aims to achieve a specific goal, the goal is usually to hack into a certain system! We’ll start by learning how this system work and its weaknesses, then you’ll lean how to write a python program to exploit these weaknesses and hack the system. As we write the program I will teach you python programming from scratch covering one topic at a time. By the end of the course you’re going to have a number of ethical hacking programs written by yourself (see below) from backdoors, keyloggers, credential harvesters, network hacking tools, website hacking tools and the list goes on. You’ll also have a deep understanding on how computer systems work, how to model problems, design an algorithm to solve problems and implement the solution using python.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Complete Python 3 Ethical Hacking: Beginner To Advanced!
Aleksa Tamburkovski via Udemy
Have you always wanted to learn Python 3 Ethical Hacking but you just don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have started but you just don’t know how. Then the Complete Python 3 Ethical Hacking: Beginner To Advanced! is for You! What will you learn in this Complete Python 3 Ethical Hacking: Beginner To Advanced!. In short, you’ll learn it all! Seriously, our goal is to make the most comprehensive Python 3 Ethical Hacking course out there – not filled with fluff, but filled with only the most actionable and latest tips and strategies. We’ll be updating this course periodically to make sure we’re covering any change with Python 3 Ethical Hacking.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Hacking with macOS – Build 18 Desktop Apps with Swift 3
Stephen DeStefano via Udemy
This course is produced from the Hacking with macOS series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer, Paul Hudson, and these videos were made with his permission and support. You can always be guaranteed you’re learning the latest and greatest Apple technologies in the Hacking with Swift tutorials. Here you learn smart, powerful, and expressive Swift 3, the way it was meant to be written. You learn while you make real–world desktop apps, which means you get to apply your new skills immediately and see them work in context.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Insider secrets from an Ethical Hacker on Internet Safety
Terry Cutler via Udemy
Your instructor, an expert in cyber security, reminds us of just how vulnerable our data really is and the steps we can take to protect it. Each lesson will teach you how to come up with an undecipherable password, how to secure your information on social media, how to detect threats, how to identify frauds, how to find out what personal information is floating on the web, and how to protect your children against cyber predators. No matter how stringent our defenses are, there are no silver bullets against cyber crooks. Human error is often our biggest vulnerability. With this training we can better protect ourselves online.
★★★★(4-star rating)

Building A Malicious Program Using Java (Ethical Hacking)
Mohammed El amin Gasboui via Udemy
In this course we will build an advanced malicious program using java language, we will begin from theoretical part until we reach into experimental part. We will try to hide a malicious code into legal program. we will also build another program (spy) for hacker side , which provide the attacker all news and data targets. Through this program the hacker can do : Get a report about data targets. See the screenshot of targets. Save data target into text file. We will build all this things step by step , so subscribe for this course and i will do my best to satisfy you.
★★★★(4-star rating)

Hacking with macOS – Build 18 Desktop Apps with Swift 5
Stephen DeStefano via Udemy
This course is produced from the Hacking with macOS series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer, Paul Hudson, and these videos were made with his permission and support. You can always be guaranteed you’re learning the latest and greatest Apple technologies in the Hacking with Swift tutorials. Here you learn smart, powerful, and expressive Swift 5.0, the way it was meant to be written. You learn while you make real–world desktop apps, which means you get to apply your new skills immediately and see them work in context. Hacking with Swift is one of the most popular Swift tutorial series online, which uses an approach that teaches you Swift programming incredibly quickly, and you end up with a huge library of finished projects that are yours to develop further, or ship to the Mac App Store.
★★★★(4-star rating)

Hacking with watchOS 5 – Build Amazing Apple Watch Apps
Stephen DeStefano via Udemy
This course is produced from the Hacking with watchOS series of tutorials, which are written and authored by the award winning Swift programmer, Paul Hudson, and these videos were made with his permission and support. You can always be guaranteed you’re learning the latest and greatest Apple technologies in the Hacking with Swift tutorials. Here you learn smart, powerful, and expressive Swift 5, and watchOS 5, the way it was meant to be written. You learn while you make real–world Apple watch apps, which means you get to apply your new skills immediately and see them work in context.
★★★★(4-star rating)