In this article, you can find online JQuery courses from beginner to advanced level.
jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.
jQuery’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create plug-ins on top of the JavaScript library. This enables developers to create abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, themeable widgets. The modular approach to the jQuery library allows the creation of powerful dynamic web pages and Web applications.
The set of jQuery core features—DOM element selections, traversal and manipulation—enabled by its selector engine (named “Sizzle” from v1.3), created a new “programming style”, fusing algorithms and DOM data structures. This style influenced the architecture of other JavaScript frameworks like YUI v3 and Dojo, later stimulating the creation of the standard Selectors API.Later, this style has been enhanced with a deeper algorithm-data fusion in an heir of jQuery, the D3.js framework.
jQuery – from zero to hero
Tim Forest via Udemy
You have no experience in web programming, but you always wanted to know jQuery? You are a JavaScript programmer, and you want to learn jQuery, or you want to refresh your existing skills? Great then this course is yours. In the end of this course your skills are so far that you are able to work as a jQuery developer. It’s the time that you can explore the world of programming by learning jQuery. There is no better language than this one to step into the programmer world.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Replacing jQuery with Vanilla JavaScript
Mateusz Chrzonstowski via Udemy
This course focuses on the newest JavaScript and browsers mechanisms, which can replace jQuery. It also shows additional features and tools, which can help even together with jQuery, e.g. async/await or Animate.css. At the end of the course, you can find a solution for one of the biggest front–end problems – how to achieve a fully cross–browser solution and old browsers support (yes, including IE8). It’s doable thanks to polyfills and Babel or TypeScript. And the example project is well–explained in the course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Practise jQuery: Build Classic Tic Tac Toe Game using jQuery
Crypters Infotech via Udemy
This coursePractise jQuery: Build Classic Tic Tac Toe Game using jQuery teaches you how to develop the tic tac toe game with two difficulty levels from scratch. You learn how to implement complex logic using jQuery. Thus, it helps you become really confident in jQuery programming. In short, you will be able to take your jQuery knowledge to the next level. This course is NOT meant for people who are new to jQuery as it does not teach you jQuery from scratch. Instead, you need to have a basic knowledge of jQuery which can be polished and improved by completing this course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery 2018 and beyond course
Joe Santos Garcia via Udemy
Developers find jQuery intuitive and easy to learn this library is built on shorter, simpler code, after all. With simple syntax and open coding standards, developers can shorten the time it takes to deploy an application or site. In addition, developers don’t have to be experts in programming or Web design to create great styles for their sites. Any developer who has spent hours coding and testing CSS files will surely appreciate the simple implementation that jQuery brings to the table. There’s also a set of robust jQuery UI components that developers can plug into their websites.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn HTML, CSS , jQuery and Bootstrap by Building Websites
Aysel Omer via Udemy
This Course Learn HTML, CSS , jQuery and Bootstrap by Building Websites gives you the skills to work as a Front End Web Developer. In this course I will start from very scratch to give you the detailed concepts of basic building blocks of any good dynamic website. Then I will build upon these concepts and take you to a professional level. By the end of this course you would have gained the skills to develop any modern and responsive website. I will be using free software so that you will not have to spend a single penny for development of websites. This course is absolutely great for the beginners and equally good for a medium level front end developer.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery Memory Game Project How to code a Project with jQuery
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
Explore how you can use jQuery to create a fun interactive game from scratch. Create this memory game which features dynamic content and can adjust with more items or less. Source code is included and suggested to try the code as you follow the lessons. Construct your own version of the game, then extend it and show off your skills. Learn in a fun interactive way how to produce web content and build some cool things online with jQuery. Please note that HTML CSS and JavaScript are prerequisites to this course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn jQuery Mobile from Scratch
Eduonix Learning Solutions via Udemy
jQuery Mobile, created by the jQuery Project, is a JavaScript library that eliminates the need for developers to code in different languages for different platforms. Instead, it works by creating a seamless viewing experience using the easiest coding language out there (jQuery), no matter which platform. JQuery Mobile is a platform that allows developers to create responsive websites and apps that can work on a variety of smartphones and tablets, drastically reducing the amount of coding required to achieve cross–platform compatibility.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery Tutorial and Projects Course
This step by step course is intended for everyone who wants to start working with jQuery. We will cover what is jQuery, how to install jQuery, how to work with jQuery and at the end we will make few simple projects. A basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript would be preferred. jQuery is Javascript library with excellent moto : Write Less, Do More. JQuery speeds up the process of writing common Javascript Tasks.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery for Beginners – Create Website Animations Easily
This jQuery for beginner’s tutorial or course will teach you what jQuery is and how to start using it to create animations and advance features for your websites or applications. jQuery is all around us, everywhere you see a slider, photo gallery, navigation menu, special effects, pop up boxes with photos or videos with plugins like lightbox or prettyphoto or anywhere you see nice animations on any website, jQuery its there. If you are new to web development and don’t know Javascript or have very little knowledge then this jQuery tutorial / course is for you.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery in Action: Build 20 jQuery Projects
Crypters Infotech via Udemy
Do you want to accomplish amazing things by writing just a few lines of code? Do you want to write complicated JavaScript functions easily and quickly? Do you want to create cool visual effects and animations? Do you want to develop impressive games and professional user interfaces easily? Do you want to add nice and unique features to your websites and applications? Then, join this 100% hands–on jQuery course and ease the pain of web development and increase your productivity as a web developer.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
JQuery Project Create a theme css generator
Eddy Sunderland via Udemy
In this course you will learn how to apply your front–end web development skills to create a project that dynamically generates complex css styles such as text–shadows and box–shadows. In the first two lessons, You will learn how to use a JavaScript forloop, modular division and conditional logic to create a colorpicker. In the next several lessons, you will learn how to use conditional logic and string–to–variable concatenation to determine the functionality of the colorpicker you will create.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Seven to Heaven – HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery Course
Piximum Agency via Udemy
Are you looking to learn how to build your own functional, responsive, and modern looking website with HTML5 and CSS3? If YES, then this is the right course for you! At the very beginning of our course, we are going to get to know you with basic technologies, which are needed for a website– HTML5 and CSS3. In the next step, we will introduce you to some basics of Web Design. We will show you how to choose the right font for web design, how to decide the right color scheme, how to choose and optimize photographs, icons, and things like that.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery Course Beginner to Professional jQuery for beginners
Laurence Svekis via Udemy
This course has everything you need to use add jQuery to your skills as a web developer! Loaded with FULL practice exercises to help you learn with ALL SOURCE CODE INCLUDED. With over 15 hours of training, exercises and challenges, it’s the most comprehensive jQuery course available on Udemy! You’ll go from beginner to extremely high–level and your instructor will complete each project with you step by step on screen with source code provided.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
jQuery for Absolute Beginners – Lite
EDUmobile Academy via Udemy
JQuery is a well–known JavaScript library which is utilized extensively in sites that are modern. This library eases common JavaScript jobs for example event handling animations, manipulating HTML content, and communication with outside computers. Along with its easy–to–use features, JQuery also takes care of several cross– browser compatibility issues automatically. By learning about selectors, we will begin the lecture. Selectors are strings that are used to target specific HTML elements to the page. Understand and the format is simple and highly intuitive to study.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Image Slider in HTML5, CSS3, JQuery 2021
Usman Raoof via Udemy
In this course you will learn How to create an Image Slider In JQuery, HTML5 and CSS3. In jQuery you can do many things in very easy way. Anyone can take this course who want to learn image slider. We will start off by creating a beautiful design for our image slider using HTML5 and CSS3 and then we will work on JQuery to make that design work. Every aspect is covered in great details.
★★★★★(5-star rating)