In this article, you can find Electron online courses.
Electron (formerly known as Atom Shell) is a free and open-source software framework developed and maintained by GitHub. The framework is designed to create desktop applications using web technologies (mainly HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, though other technologies such as frontend frameworks and Web Assembly are possible) which are rendered using a flavor of the Chromium browser engine, and a backend using the Node.js runtime environment. Additionally, it also uses various APIs to allow things such as native integration with Node services, and an Inter-process communication module.
It was originally built for Atom.Electron is the main GUI framework behind several open-source projects including Atom, GitHub Desktop, Light Table,Visual Studio Code, Evernote, WordPress Desktop, and Eclipse Theia.
Below we present 4 online Electron courses for all levels.

Electron for Desktop Apps: The Complete Developer’s Guide
Stephen Grider via Udemy
Take your web dev skills out of the browser! This course will teach you the topics you need to make a #1 best–selling desktop app. Electron is an elegant solution for writing desktop–based apps using existing web technologies you already know, like HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Electron is used for ultra–popular apps like Atom, Slack, and Discord. All of my courses are “learn–by–doing”: no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples. In this course we’ll build four separate apps with increasing complexity, each of which will profile different features of Electron. By putting each concept into a real app, you’ll get a better idea of when to use each unique and powerful feature.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Hands-On Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron 5.0
Packt Publishing via Udemy
In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about Electron. You will start by setting up your environment and create the basic layouts to render the application window using HTML windows and IPC. All the concepts will be implemented in a real–world application to give you a build–as–you–learn experience. Utilize the Electron APIs to build your application functionalities. Finally, integrate Electron with React to create powerful user interfaces. You will also learn to deploy your application for both Windows and iOS systems. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to build powerful desktop apps with GUIs that wow your clients using Electron.js.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Master Electron Framework And Build 5 Advanced Desktop Apps
Mubarak Awal via Udemy
Build stunning and advanced desktop applications that matters – with web technologies you already know or heard of (HTML, CSS and Javascript). Desktop applications is a billion dollar business and it’s only going to keep on growing as companies like WhatsApp, Skype, Adobe, Microsoft, GitHub among other top companies are still pushing a lot into desktop application development. The only down side is that, there are fewer desktop developers than web developers and that is where you come in. Now is the best time for you to learn desktop application development and put yourself at the forefront of this billion dollar industry.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Master Electron: Desktop Apps with HTML, JavaScript & CSS
Ray Viljoen via Udemy
This course is suitable for BOTH complete Electron beginners and existing Electron developers looking to advance to the next level. Learn to develop with Electron using the best tools Understand the different parts of Electron and how they work together. Cover the near–entire Electron API, learning one module at a time. Learn Electron features & techniques for using API modules together Put your new knowledge to practical use by building a detailed 8–step Electron project from scratch. An invaluable skill for any Web Developer to expand their career opportunities. This course will provide a very practical and concise approach to learning Electron from scratch. You will be able to start building real–world desktop applications immediately.
★★★★(4-star rating)