This Practice test course is part of the MTA – Beginner to Certification Ready International Exam Prep Q&A series from a Software Development Instructor with 16+ years experience in successfully getting students certification–ready.
Take your first steps towards becoming a Programmer/Software Developer!
Benefits and Features:
Prepare yourself for the Software Development Fundamentals Exam MTA 98–361 with realistic questions with accurate answers and thorough explanation of each Q&A (Question–and–Answer) concept.
The focus of explanations is understanding and insight – understand why answers are correct or incorrect so you are not taken by surprise with unexpected exam questions.
Use this Q&A and approach your exam with confidence, expecting to succeed!
6 Practice tests with 200+ questions in total.
Each test covers one Exam Objective – ideal for learning per Objective!
For each test you have completed, you can review the answers and study explanations aimed at understanding concepts. Links are also provided for more in–depth information about concepts.
All Exam Objectives are thoroughly covered through questions, answers, explanations and additional study guides and resources:
Understanding Core Programming
Understanding Object–Oriented Programming
Understanding General Software Development
Understanding Web Applications
Understanding Desktop Applications
Understanding Databases
Access to the following downloadable resources and study guides after you have signed up:
Instructor Details

Courses : 1
Specification: MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals C# Exam Prep
25 reviews for MTA 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals C# Exam Prep
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Price | $15.99 |
Provider | |
Year | 2022 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English |
Certificate | No |
Quizzes | Yes |

$19.99 $15.99
Sumedh Sharangdhar –
The course is everything you need. Just gave exam today, cleared with 95. Can’t thank you enough, Sonia. Just one suggestion though, there was one question regarding Yield Break, and Yield Return (Enum List). If something is included regarding that, then it would be better than ever! Thanks again!
Bailey Bruketta –
some test answers are lacking explanation. Is good to see that I lack knowledge in a few discrete areas. However, an explanation of if you run this code in visual studio, you get X does not actually explain the content. I suspect the author does not actually understand the concept of recursion, or they would instead explain it in their question answer explanation.
Kyle Todd –
Thanks! Seems helpful have to wait till I take the exam to say more.
Robert Blue –
This is one of the few resources available for the MTA 98 361 that actually provide a start to finish structured approach to learn and pass the exam. Microsoft itself doesn’t seem to have a good learning program for this cert, even though many schools require it as a pre req for their coding programs.
Knight Foster Steele –
This is definitely a helpful practice test, but it definitely isn’t a course. There is very minimal resources or much direction to resources. Most of the links simply link to very basic definitions of what to expect from the MTA 98 361, but not so much actual material to learn from. I pretty much just had to end up scouring the internet for documentation and videos about the various subjects. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I don’t mind learning that way. The only reason I’m not giving this course a higher rating, is because it wasn’t what I expected. Upon purchasing this course I thought there was going to be at least some instruction, maybe even just a short video explaining what to expect in the test. So, I think if this course just had a little more direction, and maybe better resources, I’d give it a higher rating. Maybe after I take the actual MTA 98 361 exam I might raise the rating as well.
Michael Jones –
First time pass, the test was a little easier then the materials here which was really beneficial.
Uddip Mitra –
Love it so far.
Mizech –
Passed the exam this morning with a score of 91. This course has helped me a lot. It’s definitely helpful. Wouldn’t have accomplished a score that high without it. The contained questions are very similar to what you get in the real exam. Clear recommendation!! Thanks a big bunch.
Brandon Alex Rivera –
Had 2 weeks to get ready and take the course. With this and some Youtube videos I was able to pass the test easily. Great resource and love the constant updating.
Amhed Medina –
I am retaking the MTA Software Development test and this has helped me out in understanding the questions much better than the book explains. I am so glad I found this practice exam and help. Third time will be the charm.
Willian Apolin rio Lopes –
A great course! All the questions are based on exam. I was approved with a good note
Nick Gullotti –
Awesome practice tests with challenging questions, also the explanations on the review answers is a great tool to learn from mistakes!
Shannon I. –
I took a college course for my MTA 98 361 exam and decided to purchase this course for the practice tests. Taking the practice tests taught me that I still had A LOT more to learn. Going through the materials and taking the practice exams many, many times helped me so much. I took the exam yesterday and got a 97%. I can honestly say that it was PURELY due to this course! Thank you SO much Sonia!
Walter F Paskvan –
Great test!! the explanation is very clear and o the point
Darian Pace –
Provide awesome materials to study with!
Thomas J Prince –
Good questions but explanations for incorrect are a bit rough IMO
Geovany Mejia –
This course is SO worth the money. The study guides in conjunction with the practice tests were so well put together. This was the only study material I used and I passed with an 82! Thank you Sonia
Oscar Daniel Rodriguez –
These tests and study guides are the PERFECT tools to pass the exam. Detailed notes and lots of exercises, look no further for excellent material to work with in prepping for the exam. I personally passed and I heavily relied on the this course material to do it.
Cherish Truong –
Great prep for the MTA 98 361 exam. If you can pass the six practice tests in here, you can pass the actual exam.
Steven Prezioso –
Captures the difficulty of the exam extremely well.
Brian Vazquez –
awesome set of test and clean written
Brix Tanhueco –
Great, extremely helpful and informative
Brighton McFarlane –
I just passed the exam on Friday. This course more than prepares you for the test. Thank you Sonia for putting together such a comprehensive study guide with very applicable practice tests!
Crystal Atlaschi –
This course really helped me prepare for the MTA exam. I gave myself 2 weeks to study and pass the test and I did it! I had no prior knowledge and this is one of the study materials I used to learn the basics.
Michael Maurus –
Top Vorbereitung auf die MTA 98 361 Pr fung! Tausend Dank!