This course is all you need, if you want to learn how to create games in Unity. You can t create games in unity without knowing how to code, that s why we will spend the first part of the course learning how to code C#.
This course will teach you best practices and teach you how to program. In this course you will not only learn how to do things, but also why we do things.
No prior knowledge is required because you will learn everything you need to know right here! When you are done with this course, you will be able to take your own game ideas and bring them to life in Unity.
The course is divided into 3 main sections:
Section 1 Basic programming
In this section we will get to know our tools and get a basic understanding of C#. We will end the section by creating our very first complete game in the console.
Section 2 Object oriented programming
In this section you will learn about classes and objects. These are the building blocks of every game. When you are done with this section you will know everything you need to know about C# before we dive into the world of Unity.
Instructor Details

Courses : 1
Specification: Ultimate C# & Unity course
10 reviews for Ultimate C# & Unity course
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Price | $11.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 15.5 hours |
Year | 2020 |
Level | Beginner |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$99.99 $11.99
Eitan Shapirshtein –
This is a must have C# and Unity3D course. The instructor is highly experienced in coding and teaching. The instructor shows new features in C# and teaches indepth the art of coding. The instructor is expert in explaining and simplifying. The insturctor gives challenges and also showing how to complete them correctly. Summary: This course is better than other only C# courses, I am enjoying learning from him. His voice is calm which helps understanding better, and overall he is an expert in teaching and coding. I recommend this course
Claudio Enrico Campani –
I know Kenneth since some time now, following his Youtube channel since the very beginning. He is a great teacher, and have the capability to transfer the passion he have for programming and teaching.
Justin Patrick Durkin –
Great intro and explanations
Logan Hebert –
Very in depth, doesn’t f*ck around, straight to the point. Good way to learn programming.
Alan Simmons –
I came to this course with experience in procedural programming and some self taught Unity experience. As I expected, the first part of the course was just a quick recap. However, the part of the course dealing with object orientated programming was very helpful and at exactly the right level for me. I found the technical level was what I wanted and the presentation style was very good.
Giovanni Acosta –
Not yet complete, so no Unity information yet. Felt a little misled by the title, but the content and teaching style is A+ for what’s there.
Anthony Lytle –
Simple instructions
Astrid Kuyper –
Kenneth is al jaren een goede leraar voor me (via Patron). Hij is duidelijk, gedetailleerd en het is leuk hoe hij gewoon tegen je praat alsof je tegenover hem zit, inclusief momenten van zoeken naar Engelse woorden en dergelijke. Het voelt ontspannen. In English: Kenneth has been a great teacher for me since years already (through Patron). He is clear in his explanations, detailed and it is fun how he speaks to you as if you’re sitting across of him, including moments of struggling to find English words and such. It feels comfortable.
Dale Cannon –
Very good instructor, probably the best I’ve found on Udemy on this subject. *BUT*…He hasn’t finished creating the complete course. He says you probably wont catch up to him as he continues to release more content for this course. Well…… I caught up to him long ago. The content releases have slowed to a crawl and I feel we are only halfway through the full course. Its about one 10 15 minute video added every month. At this rate the course will take him 2 years to finish. I fear he has lost motivation on finishing this course, which would be a shame as its the best I’ve found. I think he is more interested on regularly posting videos to his YouTube channel then for the paying people. I would save my money if I were you until he finishes the course. In my experience if you pay someone before the job is complete they are less motivated to do the job. Just my 2cents.
Michael Capone –
I’ve followed Kenneth and InScope Studios for some time now. I am a patreon and actively on his Discord. His YouTube video courses on Unity are the best available. His excellent teaching style continues here in this Udemy course which teaches you the basics of C# and prepares you to dive in to Unity and C# programming. Terrific course by an even better teacher. He is also very responsive with his students and updates videos on YouTube and Udemy quite often. Highly recommended!!!