In this article, you can find Ruby online courses for all levels.
Ruby is a language of careful balance. Its creator, Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, blended parts of his favorite languages (Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp) to form a new language that balanced functional programming with imperative programming.
He has often said that he is “trying to make Ruby natural, not simple,” in a way that mirrors life.
Building on this, he adds:
Ruby is simple in appearance, but is very complex inside, just like our human body
Ruby is ranked among the top 10 on most of the indices that measure the growth and popularity of programming languages worldwide (such as the TIOBE index). Much of the growth is attributed to the popularity of software written in Ruby, particularly the Ruby on Rails web framework.
Ruby is also completely free. Not only free of charge, but also free to use, copy, modify, and distribute.
There are a lot of courses to learn Ruby online, that is why we recommend the following 20 courses for you. Whether you are a beginner, a software engineer, system administrator, or business analyst, our courses will help you gain the knowledge needed to be a professional!
Testing Ruby with RSpec: The Complete Guide
Boris Paskhaver via Udemy
This course offers a comprehensive overview of the RSpec testing library for the Ruby programming library. RSpec is the most popular Ruby Gem of all time, with over 300 million downloads to date.If you’re new to the topic, testing is the practice of writing code that confirms that other code works as expected . Tests control for regressions, which are changes to the code that break the program.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Top Programming Bundle: Learn Rails And Ruby Programming
John Elder via Udemy
This is a bundle of two of my most popular courses, Ruby On Rails: Stock Market App and Ruby Programming For Everyone. The question I get asked most often is this… Do I need to learn Ruby in order to use Ruby on Rails? The answer is…No! But you SHOULD learn Ruby if you really want to become a Rails master. This course is perfect because you’ll learn both the Ruby programming language from beginner to advanced AND Ruby on Rails.
★★★★(4-star rating)
Real-life Ruby on Rails App From Scratch In 14 Hours (RSpec)
Hubert Jakubiak via Udemy
After two years of working as a Ruby on Rails developer, I decided to remake my first Ruby on Rails application. This time I didn’t forget about providing decent test coverage, so you can see how I’m writing specs. You can find a lot of tutorials on how to build different applications quickly, but many are written with any automated tests. Believe me, you don’t write specs for your boss, you write specs for yourself to sleep well while you know that the features you provide are working as expected.
★★★★(4-star rating)
Comprehensive Ruby Programming
Jordan Hudgens via Udemy
Coding has become one of the most critical skills you can have for furthering your career. Whether you are an experienced developer who wants to learn a new language or you are new to programming, this course can be your comprehensive Ruby coding guide. Starting with the foundational principles such as syntax and scaling up to advanced topics like metaprogramming and big data analysis, I wanted to create a curriculum that will give you all of the tools you need to be a professional Ruby developer.
★★★★(4-star rating)
Ruby On Rails for Beginners
Stone River eLearning via Udemy
Ruby on Rails allows developers to create fully interactive and completely flawless web applications in record time. It s the framework of choice for all of those household name tech companies because it is both complex and simple, and can be applied to a range of applications. In fact, if you ask anyone who works at those giant tech companies what technology you should learn to build custom web applications, Rails will be their answer. If you love solving problems and want to up the ante on your next job application, this course is for you.
★★★★(4-star rating)
Ruby for Beginners
Tim Buchalka’s Learn Programming Academy via Udemy
So maybe you tried out Ruby on Rails, but found it too hard, because you didn’t know the Ruby programming language. Maybe you want to learn it properly. If so, you are in the right place. This course is going to teach you have to program in the Ruby programming language. No previous programming experience is assumed. This is the perfect primer for developers looking to tackle Ruby on Rails. You need to know Ruby well to be a great Ruby on Rails developer, and this course will give you the skills you need in Ruby.
★★★★(4-star rating)
Top Ruby and Javascript Programming Bundle
John Elder via Udemy
In this course we’ll learn the Ruby programming language and the Javascript programming language from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all! This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don’t need any coding experience at all! We’ll start out by downloading and installing the Sublime Text Editor – for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Javascript code. For Ruby, we’ll use a free online development environment so that we can learn web development concepts.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Top Ruby on Rails and Ruby Bundle: Learn Ruby and Rails
John Elder via Udemy
This is a bundle course of four of my popular Ruby on Rails and Ruby Programming courses all in one course. Aimed at the absolute beginner, in this course you’ll learn the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails Web Framework for building websites. We’ll start out learning the Ruby programming language. You don’t need any prior knowledge or special tools to learn Ruby, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know. After that we’ll learn the Ruby on Rails Web Framework by building out Three awesome Web Apps!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
How To Install Ruby On Rails On Windows
John Elder via Udemy
Have you ever tried to install Ruby on Rails on a Windows computer? Tough, isn’t it!! Most Ruby on Rails courses assume you already have Rails installed. Chances are, that’s not the case! And Rails is one of the harder web frameworks to install; it’s easy to get messed up! In this course I’ll walk you through it step by step. We’ll install all the software you need such as Node.js, Git, Git Bash, and the Heroku Toolbelt. I’ll also show you how to set up version control, and how to push your version control up to Github. If you’ve ever tried to install Rails and failed, this is the course for you!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ruby Metaprogramming – Complete Course
Said Abduvaliev via Udemy
Just like many other ruby developers, I wanted to learn metaprogramming to make the leap from Ruby novice to Ruby pro. But, approaching the subject felt a bit intimidating. I tried to learn metaprogramming several times and every time I tried, all available materials were referring to even more complicated and less known concepts. This video course will teach you ruby metaprogramming by introducing small, simple and less known ruby insights in each video. And once you learn them, metaprogramming will just start to make sense.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
The Complete Ruby on Rails Developer Course
Rob Percival via Udemy
Since its introduction, Ruby on Rails has rapidly become one of the most popular and powerful web application development tools for both startups and mature software companies. This is the only course you’ll need where you learn how to build everything from simple to complex, deployable, production–ready web applications. This course currently features the Ruby programming language, 5 total apps Alpha–blog and Finance Tracker featuring Rails 6, MessageMe and University app featuring Rails 5 and a SAAS app upgrade to Rails 6 underway!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Top Python and Ruby Programming Bundle
John Elder via Udemy
In this course we’ll learn the Python 3 programming language and the Ruby programming language from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all! This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don’t need any coding experience at all! We’ll start out by setting downloading and installing Python and the Sublime Text Editor – both for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Python code. For Ruby, we’ll use a free online development environment (or you can download Ruby yourself onto your computer).
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Hello Ruby – Ruby Programming for Beginners
Rob Merrill via Udemy
Hello Ruby is not the only Ruby course you should ever take but it should be your first! The reasons are that is beginner friendly. Ruby was a programming language built for people. It was meant to have a low learning curve so beginners could get started right away! It is incredibly popular among developers. It is the third most tagged programming language on GitHub. High work demand. It is listed as the fourth most popular programming language on Angel List, a premier site for Startups. This is an early release of the course. There will be much more coming in the next few months but it is already loaded with great content.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Learn Ruby Programming The Easy Way – Lite
EDUmobile Academy via Udemy
This is an introductory course for the Ruby programming language, suitable for anyone who would like to make use of Ruby for virtually any purpose. Whether you want to make use of Ruby for Rails development, in the command line, or for writing GUI programs, this really is the place to begin. The class teaches Ruby syntax. We simply presume that you’ve got some understanding of fundamental Object Oriented Programming (what classes and objects are and how exactly to use them).
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Complete Ruby Programmer – Master Ruby
Mashrur Hossain via Udemy
This is the most comprehensive course for learning how to program using the Ruby programming language. Not only Ruby is one of the easiest programming languages to get started with, but it is also extremely powerful and provides tools for learning and using all the fundamentals of programming that can be used in any language. Whether you are a complete beginner or already know the basics but want to know and apply advanced concepts in programming like OOP, automation using web scraping, data engineering and algorithms built from scratch – this is the course for you!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Build a Cryptocurrency News Site With Ruby on Rails
John Elder via Udemy
Cryptocurrencies are all the rage right now. Wouldn’t it be cool to build a website that shows Crypto news automatically? That’s what we’ll learn in this course! We’ll build a website using Ruby on Rails and Bootstrap that connects to a free third party crypto API. We’ll be able to pull news stories, crypto price data, and all kinds of cool stuff, and output it onto the screen of our website automatically. This course is aimed at the beginner. You don’t need to know Ruby, or the Rails framework, or Bootstrap…or anything at all…to take this course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ruby Programming For Everyone
John Elder via Udemy
In this course we’ll learn the Ruby programming language from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all! This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don’t need any coding experience at all! We’ll start out by setting up a development environment that has all the tools you need to start writing and running Ruby code. Then, we’ll dive into very basic computer science concepts. Ruby is one of the greatest programming languages to learn, and learning has never been this easy!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Intro To Ruby Programming
John Elder via Udemy
Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular web frameworks in the world, but you don’t need to learn the Ruby programming language to use Rails …so most people don’t! That’s a shame because Ruby is one of the most fun and easy to use programming languages to learn. In this course I’ll teach you the Ruby programming language from the ground up. This is not a course on Rails, we’ll focus only on Ruby here. You’ll quickly see just how fast and easy it is to code Ruby like a pro. Aimed at the absolute beginner, we’ll start with basic programming concepts and move on from there.
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ruby On Rails: Understanding Ruby and The Rails Controller
John Elder via Udemy
In this course we’ll learn how to build apps (web sites) with Ruby on Rails. We’ll build this fun little superhero name generator website that will allow us to connect with a third party API to generate data and images, then we’ll learn how to manipulate that on our app. I’ll also teach you the Ruby programming language. Most people get Ruby on Rails and Ruby confused, but they’re two different things. Rails is a web framework for building apps, Ruby is a programming language…we’ll learn both in this course!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Ruby on Rails 6 Complete Beginner’s Course [2021]
David Battersby via Udemy
This isn’t a 20+ hour course, and quite frankly you don’t need to waste tons of time learning the basics. I have been building web apps with Ruby on Rails for more than 7 years and now it’s time to share that experience so accelerate your learning. One of the most attractive benefits you will discover with Rails is the ability to create working products FAST! This is why it has been hugely popular with many startups and a highly sought after skillset in tech hubs like Silicon Valley. Throughout this course we will discuss each step that we are taking and build a blog application as we progress through the course.
★★★★★(5-star rating)