In this article you can find online courses to become a CSS master.
CSS language is mostly used in web design to change the layout of a web page that was built by HTML. Specifically, HTML is used for the structure of a page, thus CSS is used for styling, like colors, text styling, images, etc.
It is a well-known fact that anyone who is using CSS is called an artist! Knowing CSS is one of the in-demand skills to be hired as a web developer. CSS is also an easy start for the very beginners as no specific coding skills are required.
With our following 25 online courses, you’ll be able to create web layouts in no time. You will be transformed into a modern CSS guru by learning how to create attractive web projects, use the UI rules, create animations, master CSS Flexbox, and build responsive websites.

Become a Web Designer – HTML & CSS for Beginners
Chandrasekaran Janardhanan via Udemy
New to programming? Don’t like programming, but you want to get started? You are in the right place. HTML is easier to learn than programming languages like Python, Java, C#. This course contains fine grained steps for anybody to get started.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Beginner to Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 (2022)
James Maxwell via Udemy
With too many tutorials and YouTube videos at your disposal, learning to build a modern and responsive website can be challenging. HTML5 and CSS3 are not really difficult concepts to learn, provided you get the right guidance. I have structured this course in a way that any person, irrespective of their profession, can learn how to create attractive websites that are responsive.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

30 HTML CSS & JavaScript projects in 30 Days for Beginners
Norbert B. Menyhart via Udemy
If you are a intermediate web developer who wants to refresh his memory on some basic and also wants to cement his knowledge in the modern ways of HTML5 CSS3 and JS then this is the course for your. Also just having a different project per day for 30 days is a pretty nice challenge that I would strongly recommend.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

CSS3 Animations, Transforms and Transitions Ultimate Guide
Alperen Talaslıoğlu via Udemy
CSS has become a very popular and essential language for ever single developer in modern web development stack and this language is continuing to evolve by having more capabilities. Nowadays, CSS can handle the majority of motion and animation needs by using CSS transitions, CSS transforms and CSS keyframe animations. In this course, we will cover all of the key points of adding motion to your designs and web pages together. The course will show you how to work with transforms, transitions, and keyframe animations in modern browsers.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

HTML & CSS for Beginners
Arkadiusz Włodarczyk via Udemy
After this course you will know how to efficiently use Visual Studio Code to create websites using HTML & CSS. You will also learn EMMET which speeds up the process of creating websites. You will learn basic tags & selectors and how to use them efficiently. This course is an entrance for you to become in the future web–developer. After this course you will finally understands basics of creating websites. I provide as much detail as possible in each lesson so that everyone can understand the web development techniques.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, FlexBox, Grid, Animations
Norbert B. Menyhart via Udemy
We are going to start slowly and create a simple landing page, then we will go through modern CSS technology like CSS flexbox, CSS Grid, animations, transition, etc.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Learn To Create Pure CSS3 Drop-Down Menus The Easy Way
Infinite Skills via Udemy
This CSS3 Dropdown Menus training course from Infinite Skills teaches you how to build CSS dropdown menus, without using JavaScript! This course is designed for users that already have a fundamental understanding of CSS3.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Learning CSS
Vigoma Trainings via Udemy
This CSS Course covers CSS 2.0/2.1 and requires a working knowledge of HTML/XHTML. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used for describing the look and feel of an HTML/XHTML document.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Learn CSS3 Selectors, Cascade, Specificity and CSS Basics
Alperen Talasl o lu via Udemy
CSS is the most essential language of web development. If you really want to become a good and well-rounded web developer, you need to take your first step very strongly.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Mega CSS Animation Course: 30 Projects Included
Supriyo Kundu via Udemy
Do you want to Learn CSS Animation from scratch? Or do you want to create Unique Creative Hover Effects? Or do you want to create Awesome Unique Loader Animations and many other Projects using CSS? If your answer to any of the above questions is Yes, then this course is for you!
★★★★★(5-star rating)

CSS3 Masterclass: Your Complete Beginner to Advanced Class
Are you looking to enhance your skills by trying out new Typeface, Colors, Effects, animations, and lot more or you want to crack your UI interviews? Do you have an idea about colors, effects, animations but you don’t know how to implement it? Don’t worry, here is a one-stop solution to all your queries.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

2D Animation with CSS Animations – Complete course, project
DigiFisk (Programming is fun) via Udemy
CSS3, and along with it, CSS Animations were released a few years ago, and they’ve have made your learning process MUCH easier. If you know the very basics of HTML and CSS, which anyone who has anything to do with coding/web design does, you’re all set.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Upgrade Your Css UI Library – Cards, Buttons, Animations, etc
Jordan Smith via Udemy
Are you looking to take your CSS skills to the next level? Does adding 35 more components to your CSS portfolio sound good? If so, you’re in the right place! CSS is an art and we are all artists!
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Materialize CSS From Scratch With 5 Projects
Brad Traversy via Udemy
This course is for anyone that knows basic HTML and a little CSS and wants to take their frontend website and UI creation to the next level using the Materialize CSS framework which is based on Google’s Material Design scheme.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

CSS Grid Tutorial With Website Projects
John Smilga via Udemy
Two fundamental languages of the web are HTML, CSS. Html is used for structure, CSS is used for styling. Everyone who has ever worked with CSS knows it’s the biggest flaw – no layout support. CSS GRID fixes that by providing simple yet powerful solutions.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Advance CSS Shapes: Next Generation Websites (2020 Edition)
Rahul Giri via Udemy
This course is the only course on Native CSS Shapes on Udemy at the time of this launch. In this course, you will learn to build the most awesome delightful and clean web page layouts with amazing CSS Shapes, which is the future of web design.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

CSS Grid – Build Modern Real World websites fast (+projects)
DigiFisk (Programming is fun) via Udemy
Before CSS Grid arrived on the screen, we had to use relative or absolute positioning, floats clear and 100s of lines of code to achieve a decent website layout. All of that’s changed now. With CSS Grid, you can layout your website’s design in just a few lines of code, and even make it responsive!
★★★★★(5-star rating)

The CSS Flexbox Guide: Build 5 Real Flexible Layouts!
Irfan Dayan via Udemy
In this course, we will start with the very basics of CSS3 Flexbox and then we will gradually learn more and more about CSS3 Flexbox. You will learn what is exactly Flexbox, why do you need it, what are the main components of Flexbox, we will discuss current browser support for Flexbox.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Complete CSS Flexbox course & a real-world website project
DigiFisk (Programming is fun) via Udemy
No more frameworks like Bootstrap to make up for the shortcomings in CSS. Become a professional web designer in just a few hours. If you know the very basics of HTML and CSS, you’re all set. Spend a few hours learning a bunch of Flexbox syntaxes, and you’ll be creating awesome web layouts in no time at all!
★★★★★(5-star rating)

HTML 5 & CSS 3 Mastery – Build Responsive Modern Websites
Alexander Oni via Udemy
Do you want to learn how to build beautiful modern and responsive websites with HTML and CSS? Look no further because you have come to the right course. You will learn all the necessary techniques to build a website.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

CSS Animations: Learn CSS Animations from Scratch
Luke’s Programming School via Udemy
Do you want to Learn How to use CSS animation? Well, you have come to the right place! In this course, I cover everything you need to know in order to create great-looking CSS animations. I start off by explaining how the transition works and all the things you can set.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

CSS Flexbox Tutorial with Website Projects
John Smilga via Udemy
Reasons to Use CSS Flexbox: To create more advanced layouts, to write less code, to avoid using CSS hacks, to CSS floats ever existed, to have fun while doing it. This step by step course is intended for everyone who wants to start working with CSS Flexbox.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations, and More!
Jonas Schmedtmann via Udemy
Welcome to Advanced CSS and Sass, the most advanced, the most modern, and the most complete CSS course on the internet. It’s everything you want in an advanced CSS course, and more.
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Mastering CSS
Framework Television Inc. via Udemy
This course won’t just teach you the in’s and out’s of CSS. We created the course in the current context. Nowadays, your job as a web site developer is to make content for all screen sizes and make it look good!
★★★★★(5-star rating)

Professional CSS Flexbox
Greg Bararaghimian via Udemy
In this class, you will learn about all the features and properties of Flexbox and how to use them! We will take a hands-on approach to discover all the awesome ways to use Flexbox. By the end of the course, you will have a professional understanding of Flexbox and how to use it to layout Websites and Web Applications like a modern CSS guru!
★★★★★(5-star rating)
Article Updated on 22/3/2023