Create Board and Video Game Design Projects – 4 Courses in 1
$54.99 $14.99Track price
This course will teach you in details why each element of a game exists and how to assemble them in an engaging and fun way.
This is the most complete Game Design Course you can find, With over one hundred lessons, this course can turn a complete beginner into a Game Designer.
This course will teach you how to create Board Games and Digital Games from Scratch.
The Game Designer knows a little about every gaming area and a lot about how to group then together in a context that makes sense.
In the first part of the course, you will be introduced to the basics of Game Design Theory , such as
What defines a Game and how they are made
Why games are made
What jobs you can get in the game industry and how it works
How to get free assets for your games
How to write a Game Design Document
In the second part, you will learn how to create projects of games using a Game Design Canvas, so you can quickly organize your ideas and develop your project in a very efficient way.
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Courses : 4
Specification: Create Board and Video Game Design Projects – 4 Courses in 1
16 reviews for Create Board and Video Game Design Projects – 4 Courses in 1
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$54.99 $14.99
Jhonys Leite Oliveira –
Gostei do curso, sou programador e j sei criar jogos, mas legal aprender sobre essa parte mais profunda e o porqu de cada elemento do jogo estar em cada lugar.
Adrianne Toinko –
Gostei muito do curso! Ele fala de algo no in cio, e de tempos em tempos volta nessa mesma coisa, mostrando a aplica o daquilo, fazendo com que tudo fique na mem ria de longo prazo. Tamb m mostra tudo como fazer, bem detalhado, o que ajuda muito pra quem tem dificuldade em come ar.
Kallun Sheppard –
This course had a wealth of information and good recourses. I felt like the board and table top game sections could be a course by it’s self and the digital game part could be another course but I see why he combines them into one long course so this is easily a 4.5 star experience.
Mochammad Affan Ghaffar Zakaria –
I just watch a few lessons its good &fun but the sound is a problem. sometimes I can hear it clearly some time 100% Volume like 50% Volume. that really bad.
Igor dos Santos Oliveira –
Bom o curso em si fant stico.Ele passa as informa es de uma maneira compreens vel e que permanece na mem ria,e s n o dei 5 estrelas completas,pelo fato de n o dominar o ingl s,e as vezes as legendas em portugu s est o dessincronizadas.Enfim no Geral super recomendo o curso.
Oleg Postupalsky –
the sound is terrible at start, but then everything is good. a lot of information to start from scratch when you know nothing)
Joe Slack –
I’ll start with a caveat that I have been designing tabletop games for years. However, I feel that I always have more to learn from anyone with experience in the industry and usually pick up something new in any blog, course, podcast or book that I consume. I cannot say the same for this course. Perhaps the digital game section is better, but this is not my focus and I only watched the videos relevant to tabletop games, and I did not learn one single new concept. I found the information extremely basic at best and inaccurate in some cases at worst. The presenter tries to be funny but fails. It just comes across as very awkward. He mispronounces words (dices) and the slides are filled with typos and grammatically incorrect sentences. There are also background noises (passing vehicles, etc.) in some of the early videos. I didn’t find the lectures professional. When he talks about getting your game published, he begins by mentioning that you as a designer will receive a percentage of the sales, however, he never uses the actual term, which is royalty. He then goes on to give an example of getting your game made where he says you as the designer will pay $10 per unit, then give this to the publisher for $12. This is just plain incorrect. If you sign your game with a publisher, they will pay for all art, manufacturing, etc., and you will be given a royalty (percentage on game sales). You will not pay to have your game made. This is not how the industry works. If you were to self publish your game (a method he speaks little about) on the other hand, then you would pay for art, manufacturing, etc. and get all the profit from crowdfunding, and if you got your game into distribution or directly in stores, they would pay 40 50% of the MSRP (distributors 40% and retailers 50%), leaving you with the rest as profit after you exclude all your costs. No other publisher would be involved in this case, as you yourself would be the publisher. There are much better resources to learn about game design, publishing, etc. Don’t waste your time with this incredibly basic and sometimes inaccurate course.
Tim Willems –
Nach Kapitel 1: Bisher recht einleuchtend f r jemanden der erst frisch in die Videospiel Industrie hineinschnuppert. Viele Thematiken die bisher aufgefasst wurden kannte ich so noch nicht.
Pawat Nakpiphatkul –
it’s an okay course, but it is too basic and far from the masterclass
Sam –
good lectures
Jonatas Oliveira –
Muito bom pra quem est come ando muito til.
Rudinixon Bitencourt –
Extremamente b sico at ent o.
Guillaume Escarieux –
I don’t feel mastering the game design after this class. It is indicated All Levels despite the fact that it is just an introduction (it should be to Beginners). It is more like an inventory of what exists without explaining the best practices and WHY. There are some tips that I will keep but I do not feel empowered by the course. About the form, the sound isn’t perfect, there are some montage mistakes and WAY TOO MUCH slide reading. Also 1 hour Construct 2 tutorial had nothing to do in a game design course…
Antonius Maturbongs –
The explanation is simple and the video is not so lengthy and therefore make me feel easier to absorb the information before going to another topic.
Arthur Correia Rossi –
Adorei o curso
John R. Peck –
It was an entertaining course. It started the student at the very beginning and explained terms and ideas in an easy to digest way.