If you already possess a fundamental understanding of C# and the Unity Engine and want to improve your coding skills further, then this course is for you.
The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns introduces you to best practice solutions for common problems in gameprogramming. You will discover how you can improve the quality of your code by using these important Designpatterns, which are specifically adapted to make use of the unique features of the Unityengine, like for example ScriptableObjects.
In this course you will:
Implement best practice Solutions to common problems in gameprogramming
Discover the Singleton – Designpattern
– Structure your game more elegantly
Discover the ObjectPool – Designpattern
– Improve the performance of your game
Discover the Command–Designpattern
– Implement a history of player–actions with an Undo–Functionality
– Queue Actions of a player, so they are executed one after another
Discover the Flyweight – Designpattern
– Improve your game’s data–structure by using ScriptableObjects
– Reduce the RAM–Usage of your game
This course is very project–based and practical, so you will implement the concepts directly in small games.
For each Concept you will be challenged to implement it yourself, but if you don’t feel up to the task you will also be shown a well explained step–by–step guide how to implement it.
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Courses : 3
Specification: The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns
9 reviews for The Ultimate Guide to Unity Designpatterns
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Price | $19.99 |
Provider | |
Duration | 4.5 hours |
Year | 2020 |
Level | Intermediate |
Language | English |
Certificate | Yes |
Quizzes | No |

$94.99 $19.99
Steven Litt –
Guy’s a great teacher and covers the material in a way that I found clearer and more organized than any comparable tutorials on YouTube. For just 4.5 hours of video and a couple coding challenges, I got a lot out of it the concepts he’s presenting here were just what I was looking for as an intermediate Unity user who wants to take things up a notch. For me it was absolutely worth the $12 I paid when on one of Udemy’s regular sales, so my review is with that price in mind. No offense but I would never pay the normal $200 for this its 4.5 hours of video plus all the relevant Unity project files, which you might not even need if you’re like me and want the extra practice of doing everything from scratch. Really even $30 50 would be reasonable, but I can’t fathom paying $200 for this one day course, even as someone who got a ton out of it and thought the instructor did a great job. My only minor squabble is with the title. I mean, even the instructor who is clearly a solid dude would probably agree its not the Ultimate guide to Unity design patterns? Rather, its an excellent introduction. Hopefully he’ll eventually make that legit ALL CAPS ALL TIME ULTIMATE UNITY DESIGN PATTERNS!!!!!1 course for intermediate to advanced users! I’ll totally sign up and I’m sure thousands of other people will as well.
Cpstokes –
information was what I was looking for at the time I was looking for it. Concise information about the pro’s and cons of particular topics and methods of implementation.
Madbox –
rly nice course there. Whith all explanation theoritical and applied then analyised. I recommand for ppl who already have some basic skill and whant to imporve game performance like mobile desktop etc.
Daniel Ahn –
Excellent course. Andreas really seems to know his stuff and be a real expert (vs. some instructors who, if you’re not a beginner, you can pick up on some errors/mistakes/bad habits/not best practices). I was looking for an intermediate level Unity coding course, and this one was really great. Andreas, I would love it if you could make a course on one game project using intermediate/advanced design patterns :).
Sebasti n Echeverry Londo o –
great teacher. great methodology. Cristal clear.
Jez Eade –
Overall, money and time well spent. I recommend this course & am glad to have this resource in my library. I viewed Andreas’s delivery of the course to be professional & well thought out while maintaining a relaxed pace (even at 1.25x speed). Please note that the title states it is the ULTIMATE guide to design patterns, this does not cover EVERY design pattern, the patterns that it does cover are clearly listed in the course content. In regards to the content, I am already very familiar with 2 out of the 4 main sections in this course so those were great to review and reinforce (Singleton & Object Pool). The section on flyweight design patterns was also well done , informative and on point. My only criticism is that I felt a little let down by the section that covers the command design pattern. The reason for this is admit tingly I have not done a lot with interfaces (I acknowledge the gap in my own experience) however feel that the overall course would benefit more by including a video going over interfaces rather than acknowledging that the student should really look at them as they are important for this design pattern. The command section was still easy enough to replicate and follow along with Andreas however I will need to do some additional revision to fully complete my understanding of that one section but without a doubt know I can come back to lock in anything I may have missed. Once again, happily recommend! 🙂
Florian Parvan –
Having developed software products other than games for several years now, I have always wanted to know what design patterns are particularly useful for game development. Andreas does a good job of laying the foundation of each design pattern. After completing this course, you will have solid knowledge base with which you can easier understand more complex materials. There were some areas which would have required more nuanced explanations (for example memory fragmentation), but the overall material was pretty comprehensive if you have prior software development experience and have worked in the past with some of the design patterns. Personnaly, I would have loved a chapter on dependency injection since everytime I have used it, I ended up adding more overhead than reaping the benefits of it. I recommend this course to anyone who is serious about improving their coding skills in Unity, especially because the patterns are adapted to the specifics of the engine.
Nathan Schuetz –
This design patterns course stands out because each pattern is concretely described in the context of the problems they solve. There are some gaps in the content however that I wish were filled in.
Hadi Beheshti –
Honestly, this course is the best design pattern course I’ve ever seen. He explained everything very very well. I hope to see more videos of him. Many thanks